The DMP, or Data Management Platform, is a data management platform that has the function of treating and unifying high volumes of information, coming from different sources, so that company professionals can visualize and use them effectively.
The collection of data is very important to bring insights, pains, behaviors, and profiles of the audiences of each organization, being essential to offer a personalized consumption experience. If you want to know more about the system, read on!
Table of Contents
What is Data Management Platform?
With the transformation and new consumer trends, the customer experience is a differentiator in business. With a well-prepared and forwarded journey, the integration between media, channels, and platforms are essential for sales and customer satisfaction.
The DMP, therefore, is responsible for guiding the digital marketing strategy and the relationship with the consumer, capturing data and transforming it into relevant information for new, more targeted, and targeted actions and planning.
With a data management platform software, it is possible to know, for example, the profile of the consumer who accesses your website, the most popular products, the surveys that are carried out within your page, and the most frequent questions.
And how to get in touch with potential customers who do not report any relevant data? But to understand more clearly how it works, it is necessary to understand what First-Party Data, Second Party Data, and Third-Party Data are.
1st Party Data
First-Party Data is data generated from the business itself, that is, its website, social networks, applications, and CRM platform. Most of this information focuses on personal data, such as name, email address, phone number, age, and gender. Most of the time, its database is already full of data of this nature, however, these are disorganized and without any specific purpose or use.
2nd Party Data
They consist of information acquired from external sources. One of the examples of Second Party Data is the partnership between organizations. Companies share data from their customer base with each other, whether in the exchange of information or even through purchase.
3rd Party Data
Information related to Third-Party Data is created on the Internet through other pages, deepening the level of First information. In this way, more specific and detailed data, such as average salary, number of people living at home, and marital status are examples that can help to enhance the strategy.
The DMP, therefore, collects data from these three categories and presents the possibilities for the company, which can work with different campaigns, approaches and promotions for each type of audience it serves, positively impacting customer satisfaction.
Main Benefits of DMP
Once your company has effective data management, it is possible to act with greater assertiveness and objectivity with the public, increasing conversion rates, loyalty, and return on investment.
Communication is another point that has a lot to gain from the use of DMP, both between internal sectors of the company and in relation to customers. The time to complete a sale can be significantly reduced since you already know where, when, and how to offer your products.
The system also dispenses with the use of physical files, which, in addition to taking up space and taking time to locate, may present disagreements and process failures, hindering your sales. Not to mention that your employees can be disengaged from administrative and repetitive tasks to other functions of greater value.
It is correct to say, therefore, that bringing the message that exactly fits the needs of a consumer at a given time is one of the keys to the growth of profits and the consolidation of the organization in the market.
Use DMP in your company!
Throughout this article, we talked about what DMP. We also explain the fundamental part of its operation and discuss the benefits for companies that work mainly with sales. It’s time find out a nearby software development company and discuss the use case of DMP within your business and how you can benefit from it.