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What is Laravel and why should you use it?
An open-source PHP framework that comes with a wide range of in-built features that would make the web development process faster and easier for you? Experts suggest going with Laravel development if one wants streamlined and secure app development. Some of the highlighted features of this technology include:
- A modular packaging system with dependency management is a default model in Laravel. There is no need to write functionalities from scratch because Laravel offers some additional functionalities that you can easily add directly to your application. Although, you can build a custom package of code with the help of a Laravel development company or use the ready-to-install packages with the help of Composer.
- Object-relational mapping. You can easily access and manipulate the data through Eloquent ORM in Laravel, representing database tables as classes.
- A complete authentication system
- Laravel also provides many built-in command artisans with a command-line interface or CLI.
- If you are using the Laravel framework for web development, you also get to perform automated testing as it comes as an integrated part of the technology.
- You can develop and test your Laravel application in a portable and virtual environment. You would get all the tools you need from Homestead to turn your idea into reality.
Top Laravel Tips to Improve the Speed of your Web Application
Some best practices or some top tricks of a framework allow you to level up your coding and get the most out of it. It also helps in making your coding experience an elegant one. The more you use such tips, the better your chances of getting better app performance. So without any further ado, let’s discuss what brings you to this post in the first place – top tips of laravel development.
Simple Pagination
If you want to insert the previous and next options instead of using page numbers, you could use pagination. It is very easy to change the paginate() to simplePaginate(). This will also lead you to have fewer DB queries.
// Instead of
$products = Product::paginate(8);
// Now you can do this
$products = Product::simplePaginate(8);
Laravel Collection
One of the tremendous out-of-the-box offerings of Laravel includes collections that enable you to manipulate different types of array data. You will need to use an intuitive and simple syntax to accomplish that. It saves you a lot of time and can come in quite handy when integrating it with Eloquent. Let us take an Eloquent query, for example:
$invoices = Invoice::where(‘active’, 1)
The database selection is the source of all the payment of invoices, and if you want to remove them all, then you have to implement a filter that would only allow the unpaid invoices. We will use the reject method of the collection here;
$activeInvoices = $invoices->reject(function ($invoice) {
return $invoice->paid;
Or we can use the filter method to do the same task;
$activeInvoices = $invoices->filter(function ($invoice) {
return $invoice->paid;
Now, what if we got a first match for the condition from the collection?
$activeInvoices = $invoices->first(function ($invoice) {
return $invoice->paid;
Simple authorization
To verify the authorization, there are straightforward Laravel tips and tricks. To your Auth:: attempt(), a login form will be sent where you have to insert an array of data. And if the received array matches with the data stored in the database table, you will be authorized for further use.
$user = [
’email’ => ’email’,
‘password’ => ‘password’
if (Auth::attempt($user))
// пользователь авторизован
If you wish to exit while going to the / logout URI, for example?
Route::get(‘logout’, function(){
return Redirect::home();
It is one of the most complicated tips and tricks of Laravel, but it’s worth using. Do you want to sort your forum topics by latest posts? It is the most common requirement of people to organize their forums according to the last updated post on top of the page. To achieve that, you need to describe a whole separate relationship for your previous post on the topic:
1public function latestPost()
3 return $this->hasOne(\App\Post::class)->latest();
Then, you can use the controller to do the “magic”:
1$users = Topic::with(‘latestPost’)->get()->sortByDesc(‘latestPost.created_at’);
Sending Notifications
You can use Laravel to send notifications using Notification::route() not only to a specific class user through $user->notify() but also to anyone you want, including a public function user with the so-called on-demand notification.
Notification::route(‘mail’, ‘[email protected]’)
->route(‘test’, ‘123456’)
->route(‘slack’, ‘…’)
->notify(new InvoicePaid($invoice));
Deleting records from Database
It is considered very typical to build relatable tables while designing app databases. It is also one of the standard Laravel tips and tricks and a database designing principle to delete all the children-related records when deleting all the parent records. You can use the deleting event of the boot method in the model class to achieve this in the laravel development process. For instance, if you have to delete all the items in an invoice:
class Invoice extends Model
public function items()
return $this->hasMany(‘\App\Models\Item’);
public static function boot() {
static::deleting(function($invoice) {
foreach ($invoice->items as $item) {
Simple validation
Don’t worry. If you need validation, Laravel is there to help you. The Validator class is just suitable for the job. All you have to do is pass the object along with all the conditions you need to create a method and sit back to let laravel do everything else.
$user = [
’email’ => ’email’,
‘password’ => ‘password’
if (Auth::attempt($user))
// пользователь авторизован
If you wish to exit while going to the / logout URI, for example?
Route::get(‘logout’, function(){
return Redirect::home();
Less Uses of Plugins
Laravel offers a wide array of plugins that can be used to extend the functionality of Laravel web applications. As the application’s functionality grows, so do its libraries and files, and their loading slows it down.
Check your config/app.php file to see which providers you’re using. Once done, cut down the unnecessary files. Furthermore, Laravel uses the composer to manage its components, reducing the composer’s size. All of the dependencies that are loaded can be reduced by using a json file.
Limited Use of Libraries
The Laravel PHP framework comes with a plethora of libraries that can be used in applications. Though it facilitates customization and scripting, it also has a disadvantage, and the high level of drag slows the application’s performance it is experiencing.
Thus, it is critical to review libraries! Furthermore, if you believe that application development without the library is possible, remove it from config/app.php to speed up your Laravel web project.
Final Words
There are multiple parameters like ROIs to check whether the Laravel Eloquent has done everything right to make enough difference in the work processes. The incredible impact of these tricks will be reflected all over the project in its turnaround time, scalability, sustainability, efficiency, and time to market. You will be able to get rid of several bottlenecks of the entire project and make it hassle-free at the same time. Using these top laravel tips will make your app management task more accessible.